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热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 07:01

湖人队于1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶。 Los Angeles Lakers in 1960, moved to Los Angeles. 这是一支王朝球队,自1948年加入NBA以来,当时队中的头号大牌是乔治-米肯。 This is a dynasty team, joined the NBA has been since 1948, when the team's biggest name is George - Mikan. 1951-1954年,湖人队夺得NBA历史上第一个三连冠。 1951-1954 years, the Lakers won a third consecutive NBA history. 1979年湖人选中“魔术师”约翰逊,湖人的“表演时刻”开始到来,约翰逊处子赛季就为湖人队夺得了总冠军。 Los Angeles Lakers in 1979, select the "Magic" Johnson, the Lakers of "show time" began to come, Johnson's rookie season on the Lakers won the championship. 1981年帕特-莱利成为湖人队的主教练,他在此后的9年间为湖人夺得4个总冠军。 1981 Pat - Riley became head coach of the Lakers, he was the next nine years as the Lakers won four championships. 1999-2002赛季,菲尔-杰克逊入主湖人,湖人成就了三连冠伟业。 1999-2002 season, Phil - Jackson took over the Lakers, the Lakers three consecutive achievements of Albert. 由于奥尼尔的离开,湖人实力下降,球队开始沦为季后赛边缘队伍。 Since O'Neal's departure, the Lakers are going down, the team began to become a playoff team the edge. 2007-2008赛季湖人通过交易得到了加索尔,随即加索尔就辅佐科比重新进入了总决赛,虽然在2007-2008赛季最终不敌凯尔特人,但是在08-09赛季,湖人终于在季后赛踏破群雄,最终夺冠。 Adoption of the 2007-2008 season, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol on his assistant, then re-entered the Finals Kobe Bryant, although the final match for Celtic in the 2007-2008 season, but in the 08-09 season, the Lakers finally playoffs walks of the pack, the ultimate victory. 科比也获得了第一个没有奥尼尔参与的总冠军奖杯。 Bryant has won the first championship without Shaquille O'Neal participation trophy.

Is located in Houston, Texas City in 1967 joined the Rockets NBA, formerly known as San Diego Rockets moved to Houston in 1971, the current coach for Jeff - Van Gundy, and his four assistants are g Village Ford, Greer, Ewing, and Heber more. 火箭队在超级中锋奥拉朱旺和主教练汤姆贾诺维奇的带领下于1994和1995年两夺总冠军,但随着德雷克斯勒和奥拉朱旺的相继离开,球队跌入低谷,即使拥有天才的弗朗西斯也无济于事。 Rockets center Hakeem Olajuwon and coach in the Super Under the leadership of Rudy Tomjanovich in 1994 and 1995, two championships, but with Drexler and Olajuwon in succession to leave the team or into the trough, even with talented Francis will not help. 直到状元秀姚明在2002年夏天加盟后,火箭才有了再次崛起的资本,并在2003-04赛季重返季后赛,2004年换来麦格雷迪后,火箭已经踏入了西部强队的行列,时隔十年,休斯敦人又一次看到了总冠军的希望。 Until draft pick Yao Ming joined in the summer of 2002, the Rockets have a re-emergence of the capital and return to the playoffs in the 2003-04 season, in 2004 in exchange for Tracy McGrady, the Rockets have already entered teams in the Western ranks first time in decades, Houston, who once again saw the championship hopes.

Knight in 1970 to join NBA, the team despite the past is littered with well-known players, but never been able to achieve a breakthrough on the record, in the 2006-07 season, Knight had never before entered into the finals, only two entered the Eastern Conference finals, but were turned down in the return. 2003年选秀大会是骑士队史的转折点,骑士在首轮第一顺位选择了当时还是高中生的勒布朗-詹姆斯,在詹姆斯的率领下骑士逐步走向强盛。 2003 NBA Draft was a turning point in the history of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavaliers first overall selection in the first round of the then high school student, LeBron - James, James Knight, led by strong graally. 2006-07赛季,詹姆斯带领骑士在季后赛一路过关斩将队史上首度杀入总决赛,可惜在总决赛中0-4遭圣安东尼奥马刺横扫。 The 2006-07 season, James led the Cavaliers in the playoffs, downing the first time in team history, reached the NBA Finals in the NBA Finals 0-4 sweep by San Antonio Spurs.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 07:01

Los Angeles Lakers in 1960, moved to Los Angeles. This is a dynasty team, joined the NBA has been since 1948, when the team's biggest name is George - Mikan. 1951-1954 years, the Lakers won a third consecutive NBA history. Los Angeles Lakers in 1979, select the "Magic" Johnson, the Lakers of "show time" began to come, Johnson's rookie season on the Lakers won the championship. 1981 Pat - Riley became head coach of the Lakers, he was the next nine years as the Lakers won four championships. 1999-2002 season, Phil - Jackson took over the Lakers, the Lakers three consecutive achievements of Albert. Since O'Neal's departure, the Lakers are going down, the team began to become a playoff team the edge. Adoption of the 2007-2008 season, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol on his assistant, then re-entered the Finals Kobe Bryant, although the final match for Celtic in the 2007-2008 season, but in the 08-09 season, the Lakers finally playoffs walks of the pack, the ultimate victory. Bryant has won the first championship without Shaquille O'Neal participation trophy.Is located in Houston, Texas City in 1967 joined the Rockets NBA, formerly known as San Diego Rockets moved to Houston in 1971, the current coach for Jeff - Van Gundy, and his four assistants are g Village Ford, Greer, Ewing, and Heber more. Rockets center Hakeem Olajuwon and coach in the Super Under the leadership of Rudy Tomjanovich in 1994 and 1995, two championships, but with Drexler and Olajuwon in succession to leave the team or into the trough, even with talented Francis will not help. Until draft pick Yao Ming joined in the summer of 2002, the Rockets have a re-emergence of the capital and return to the playoffs in the 2003-04 season, in 2004 in exchange for Tracy McGrady, the Rockets have already entered teams in the Western ranks first time in decades, Houston, who once again saw the championship hopes.

Knight in 1970 to join NBA, the team despite the past is littered with well-known players, but never been able to achieve a breakthrough on the record, in the 2006-07 season, Knight had never before entered into the finals, only two entered the Eastern Conference finals, but were turned down in the return. 2003 NBA Draft was a turning point in the history of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavaliers first overall selection in the first round of the then high school student, LeBron - James, James Knight, led by strong graally. The 2006-07 season, James led the Cavaliers in the playoffs, downing the first time in team history, reached the NBA Finals in the NBA Finals 0-4 sweep by San Antonio Spurs.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 07:01

Los Angeles Lakers in 1960, moved to Los Angeles. This is a dynasty team, joined the NBA has been since 1948, when the team's biggest name is George - Mikan. 1951-1954 years, the Lakers won a third consecutive NBA history. Los Angeles Lakers in 1979, select the "Magic" Johnson, the Lakers of "show time" began to come, Johnson's rookie season on the Lakers won the championship. 1981 Pat - Riley became head coach of the Lakers, he was the next nine years as the Lakers won four championships. 1999-2002 season, Phil - Jackson took over the Lakers, the Lakers three consecutive achievements of Albert. Since O'Neal's departure, the Lakers are going down, the team began to become a playoff team the edge. Adoption of the 2007-2008 season, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol on his assistant, then re-entered the Finals Kobe Bryant, although the final match for Celtic in the 2007-2008 season, but in the 08-09 season, the Lakers finally playoffs walks of the pack, the ultimate victory. Bryant has won the first championship without Shaquille O'Neal participation trophy.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 07:02

Los Angeles Lakers in 1960, moved to Los Angeles. This is a dynasty team, joined the NBA has been since 1948, when the team's biggest name is George - Mikan. 1951-1954 years, the Lakers won a third consecutive NBA history. Los Angeles Lakers in 1979, select the "Magic" Johnson, the Lakers of "show time" began to come, Johnson's rookie season on the Lakers won the championship. 1981 Pat - Riley became head coach of the Lakers, he was the next nine years as the Lakers won four championships. 1999-2002 season, Phil - Jackson took over the Lakers, the Lakers three consecutive achievements of Albert. Since O'Neal's departure,
The Lakers are going down, the team began to become a playoff team the edge. Adoption of the 2007-2008 season, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol on his assistant, then re-entered the Finals Kobe Bryant, although the final match for Celtic in the 2007-2008 season, but in the 08-09 season, the Lakers finally playoffs walks of the pack, eventually won. Bryant has won the first championship without Shaquille O'Neal participation trophy祝新年快乐!!!

热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 07:03

Los Angeles Lakers in 1960, moved to Los Angeles. This is a dynasty team, joined the NBA has been since 1948, when the team's biggest name is George - Mikan. 1951-1954 years, the Lakers won a third consecutive NBA history. Los Angeles Lakers in 1979, select the "Magic" Johnson, the Lakers of "show time" began to come, Johnson's rookie season on the Lakers won the championship. 1981 Pat - Riley became head coach of the Lakers, he was the next nine years as the Lakers won four championships. 1999-2002 season, Phil - Jackson took over the Lakers, the Lakers three consecutive achievements of Albert. Since O'Neal's departure, the Lakers are going down, the team began to become a playoff team the edge. Adoption of the 2007-2008 season, the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol on his assistant, then re-entered the Finals Kobe Bryant, although the final match for Celtic in the 2007-2008 season, but in the 08-09 season, the Lakers finally playoffs walks of the pack, the ultimate victory. Bryant has won the first one did not participate in the overall championship trophy O'Neal

呼呼 就这样吖!