
Validation Scale for Measuring Organizational Commitment of the Managers of Higher Educational I

2020-04-26 来源:华佗健康网
Journal of US.China Public Administration.ISSN l 548-659 l May 201 1,Vo1.8,No.5,586-592 …… 蠛 Validation S cale for Measuring Organizational Commitment of the Managers of Higher Educational Institutes Fattah Nazem Roudehen Branch,Islamic Azad University,Roudehen,Iran The higher education system is the origin of many changes in various social,economic and political fields The purpose of the present study is to validate a scale for measuring the organizational commitment of the managers of higher educational institutes.The population of the study includes all the managers who work in all branches of Islamic Azad University in lran(i.e.,420 branches and educational centers).The research sample consisted of 540 managers who were randomly selected from 96 branches and educational centers using stratiied and cluster frandom sampling methods.The research instrument was the Allen and Meyer’s questionnaire of organizational commitment which consisted of three scales and the obtained Cronbach’s Alpha value was O.95.The results of factor analysis and principal components analysis,using a varimax rotation,showed that building blocks of organizational commitment includes affective commitment(Items 8,9,1 6,1 8,22,23,24 and 25),continuance commitment(Items 2,3,4,l0,1 1,12,13,14 and 21),and normative commitment(Items 26,27,28 and 29) Keywords:higher education institutions,organizational commitment,varimax rotation Introduction and Purpose of the Study Drucker(1 954)believed that the managers are the most valuable resources of the organizations.The qualiifed and knowledgeable managers are able to achieve the organization’s goal using their own abilities,specialized knowledge and vocational experiences while they apply less resource and increase the eficifency of the organization. One ofthe qualiifcations that the university managers should possess is high organizational commitment. Nijhof,DeJong and Beukhof(1 998,P.243)explained the organizational commitment as referring to “acceptance of organizational values and to the willingness to stay”.Allen and Meyer(1 990,P.4)proposed a three—component model of organizational commitment to two other loci of supervisor and work—group.The dimensions are as follows: (1)Affective commitment refers to employees’emotional attachment to,identiifcation with,and involvement with the organization(or supervisor); (2)Continuance commitment is based on the costs that employees associate with leaving the organization (or supervisor); (3)Normative commitment refers to employees’feelings of obligation to remain with the organization(or supervisor). Acknowledgements:This paper is extracted from a research project sponsored by the research department of the Islamic Azad University,Roudehen Branch to whom the author owes a debt of gratitude. Corresponding author:Fattah Nazem,associate professor,Department of Education,Roudehen Branch,Islamic Azad University;research fields:management in higher education institutes(1eadership,entrepreneurship,intellectual capital, organizational learning,knowledge management,organizational climate,productivity etc.).E-mail:nazem@riau.ac.ir. VALIDATION SCALE FOR MEASURING 0RGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT 587 Lack of commitment among employees is extremely costly to organizations.Employees with low levels of commitment tend to make mistakes on the job,be assent,experience stress and work—family conflict,and quit more than do employees with high levels of commitment(Meyer&Allen,1 997;Meyer,Stnlaey,Herscovitch, &Topolnytsky.2002). Organizational commitment is an issue in management research that continues to draw the attention of practicing managers.Committed employee behavior is a key to human resource management and is a central feature that distinguishes human resources management from traditional personnel management fBoblander& Kinicki,1 988).Many researchers assume that employee commitment enhances performance and invariably organizational effectiveness(Gbadamosi,2003).Research indicates that committed employees influence performance,absenteeism and turnover.The study of organizational commitment continues to grow,because these characteristics are considered important to a company’s well being.Researchers seek to identify the variables that influence organizational commitment(Morris&Sherman,1 98 1). Studies showed that organizational commitment has meaningful relationship with factors such asjob .satisfaction(Cabaj,2008;Tanner,2007;Mattila,2006;Scott,2006;Griffeth,Hom,&Gaertner,2000;Lim, 2003;Pinder,1 998),positive perceptions of training(Bartlett,200 1),promotion(Liou&Nyhan,1 994),group attitudes toward the organization(Buchanan,1974;Patchen,1970),organizational dependability(Buchanan, 1 974),perception of personal investment and personal importance to an organization(Deluga,1 995;Patchen, 1 970;Shelden,1 97 1),positive performance evaluations(Konovsky&Cropanzano,1 99 1;Mayer&Schoorman, 1992),greater productivity(Morrow,1983;Mowday,Porter,&Dubin,1974;Reichers,1985;Zangaro,2001), motivation(Campion&Thayer,1 985;Hackett,Bycio,&Hausdor ̄1 994;Hrebiniak,1 97 1),organizational effectiveness(Mowday et a1.,1979;Schein,1970;Stress,1975;Meyer&Allen,1991),performance (Gbadamosi,2003;Allen&Mayer,1 990;McKey,2003;Tamosaitis,2006),transformational leadership (Ekeland,2005;Windsor,2009),lower turnover intentions(Balfour&Wechsler,1996;Mathieu&Zajac,1990; Rhoades,Eisenberger,&Armeli,200 1;Griffeth et a1.,2000;Mitchell,Holtom,Lee,Sablynski,&Erez,200 1), organizational citizenship behavior(O’Reilly&Chatman,1986;Organ&Ryan,1995;Williams&Anderson, 1 99 1),perceived organizational support(Rhoades&Eisenberger,2002),procedural justice(Konqvsky& Cropanzano,1 99 1),trust(Cook&Wall,1 980;Ferres,Connell,&Travaglione,2004;Hrebiniak&Alutto, 1 972;Laschinger,Finegan,Shamian,&Casier,2000),perceived organizational support(Erickson,2007), learning organization(Lim,2003)and increased innovation and creativiy(Kattz&Kahn,1 978). Some employees are more prone to organizational commitment than others.For example,Mowday et a1. (1 982)pointed to evidence that managers display more commitment to their company than do non—managers. This may be due to managers’scope of responsibility,which typically surpasses non-managers’and presumably aggrandizes managers’sense of responsibility and commitment to the company. The related background information shows that if universities have managers who enjoy a high degree of organizational commitment,the universities will be able to achieve their goals while they spend fewer sources but with better quality.They can also increase the level of productivity of the higher education system,and undoubtedly the society will enjoy higher productivity. Regarding organizational commitment factor as a feature for managers of the higher education centers,the present research is going to design a valid instrument which identiifes the factors which orfm the organizational commitment,measure the variable of organizational commitment in each of dimensions which orfm it,and ifnd a way to strengthen the managers’organizational commitment. 588 VALIDAT10N SCALE FOR MEASURING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT Research Questions (1)What are the indexes which construct the organizational commitment of higher education managers’? (2)Which ofthese indexes has more contribution in forming organizational commitment? Method of the Study The population under investigation in this study consists of oficifal managers who work in 420 branches and educationaI centers in 1 2 zones of Islamic Azad University.In order to estimate the Ieast volume of sample. _2 2 ,2= 口 formula was used.Regarding the minimum sample required for the managers’group which was estimated as 540 people,the same number of questionnaires of organizational commitment was administered to the managers in 96 branches and educational centers.In order to select the research sample,two methods of stratiied fand cluster random sampling were used. To assess organizational commitment,the questionnaire of Allen and Meyer was applied.This questionnaire consists of 29 items and includes three subscales of affective commitment(Items 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9 and 10),continuance commitment(Items 1 1,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18),and normative commitment (Items 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 and 29).In order to measure the validity ofthe questionnaire,41 managers were randomly selected from the Islamic Azad University,Roudehen Branch,and the Corenbach’s Alpha method was applied to the data obtained from the administration of the questionnaire to the sample.The obtained Corenbach’s Alpha was 0.95. The researcher has used extracted factors through varimax rotation and linear structure relationship software(LISREL)in order to obtain and entitle simple construction of organizational commitment factors. Findings of the Study In the present research,397 subjects were male,and 1 24 subjects were female.Regarding the academic degree,43 subjects had held diploma or associate diploma,239 subjects held bachelor’s degree,and 242 subjects held M.A.or Ph.D.degrees.Regarding the marital status of the subjects,66 out of them were single and 443 were married.Regarding the subjects’work experience,207 people had less than 1 0 years,225 had between 1 1 to 20 years,and 24 had more than 2 1 years of work experience. The data collected from the administration of the instruments were analyzed.These data included the different indexes of central tendency,variability and the distribution of the managers’scores obtained from the questionnaire of organizational commitment and its three components.The distribution of the managers’scores in the given variables had tendency toward normality. The ifrst step in factor nalaysis process which is also its ifrst assumption is checking missing data.In this step, subjects No.1 75,234,286 and 476 including four persons altogether were eliminated from statistical analysis so that the factor analysis ssumptaion under the heading of at least missing(0.02)could be observed in each subject. Hence,in this research,no item has been eliminated except four subjects.And the given situation shows that there is no need to omit some of the items and it is possible to follow the process of factor analysis while having all the items.The second factor analysis assumption denotes enough sample size.In this research,Kaiser-Meyer—Olkin (KMO)equals 0.898 consequently,the sample size is suficifent.The third factor analysis assumption is normality of multi—variation distribution known as sphericity.As the approximate chi square equaled 4.965.26 1 with the 406 degrees of reedom,ift can be stated that the amount of the approximate chi square is statistically signiicantf and the VALIDATION SCALE FOR MEASURING ORGANIZAT10NAL C0MMITMENT 589 given statistics is signiifcant at least ta the 0.999 level ofconfidence f =0.001). According to component matrix of items both the speciic ffactor of each item and its position in the related factor based on loading factor can be determined.After studying table of component matrix precisely,the researcher used rotation method so that loading factor of each item can be determined stressing at recognition of each item in one ofthe three factors.Reiterating that in this research,the researcher has followed exploratory factor analysis and has used principal component methods from extraction of factors,and varimax method was applied.According to varimax,the researcher was able to determine both the factor to which the item belongs after rotation and the position of each item in related factor with reference to loading factor.Table 1 shows in which factor each item has been located after the rotation.For instance,Items 2,3,4,10,l l,l2,l3,l4 and 2l have been located in the ifrst factor. Eventually。three factors have been extracted from rotation of factor analysis.In fact,organizational commitment consists of three factors respectively as follows:affective commitment,continuance commitment and normative commitment. Hence,emphasizing at the three-fold factors of organizational commitment,items related to each factor have been summarized in Table l respectively. Table 1 Results ofFactor Analysis ofOrganizational Commitment Construct Factors First factor Second factor Third factor Index Aflfective commitment Continuance commitment Nornlative commitment Items 8,9,16,18,22,23,24,25 2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,21 26,27,28,29 Conclusions ln this study,in order to assess the managers’organizational commitment,Alien and Meyer’s questionnaire was applied which contains three scales of affective commitment,continuance commitment and normative commitment.The three factors which were used to assess the organizational commitment in this study are in agreement with the theories and studies carried out in and out of Iran.Some of the similar studies done in the same field are as follows:Holcom(2009),Patalano(2008),CHEN(2008),Tanner(2007),Allen (2007),Keiser(2007),Young(2007),McCroskey(2007),Kennedy(2006)and Shad(2005). The very important issue in each system,especially in the system of higher education,is to select and appoint qualiifed managers and leaders in a way that they can effectively administer the higher education institutes.One of the required qualiicaftions of the university managers is high organizational commitment. Organizational commitment and performance have a strong relationship and are included among the variables whose eficifency have been investigated and proved by the following researchers:Bartlett(2001),Rhodes et a1., (200 1),Amold,Cooper and Robertson(1 998),Meyer and Allen(1 997,1 99 1),0’Reily and Chatman(1 996), Morrow(1993),Mathieu and Zajac(1990),Cook and Wall(1980),Mowday et a1.(1979). According to the results of the studies conducted by Jeon(2009),organizations should take care of employee’s personal and social needs in order to increase their trust and commitment toward the organization. In other studies carried out in this respect,it was found out that managers with strong organizational commitment receive both perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support(Erickson,2007), share company goals and protect company assets(Meyer&Allen,1 997),feel a high level of attachment toward 590 VALIDATION SCALE FOR MEASURING 0RGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT the organization in which one is employed(Bartlett,2002),are of great interest to leaders and tend to be highly productive and loyal to the organization(Ward&Davis,1 995),have behavioural investments in the organization and likelihood to stay with the organization(Mowday et a1.,1 982)with no intention to leave and no trace of turnover intention(Kerr,2005).Moreover,managers who enjoy high organizational commitment create a desired environment which would positively affect the job satisfaction and the staff's performance (Cabaj,2008)and increase work effectiveness(McKey,2002).This is to the benefit of not only the higher education institutions but also the whole society. Regarding the research background and the related theories,the three factors involved in organizational commitment show that the organizational commitment scale almost generally covers the factors which make it. Hence.it can be concluded that the results obtained from the administration of the tool and the 1evel of managers’organizational commitment determined by the application of the tool as well as its validity are generally acceptable. The results of the present paper recommend that afore—said questionnaire be used in the coming researches of organizational commitment analysis speciically for hifgh—rank oficials of Islamifc Azad University.The reasons behind it are:The great number of studies ca ̄ied out in relation to the existence of relationship between organizational commitment and performance;the fact that universities are included in the social systems which have been recognized as the engine of spreading knowledge and awareness as well as the center of directing the societies,and the organizational commitment questionnaire,as the results of this study suggest,e ̄oys some psychoanalytic features speciicalfly construct validiy.Furtthermore,regarding the role of universities as the basic center of thought and reflection.the study is beaer to be carried out in all other universities and its findings, in turn,be taken into consideration whenever the managers are supposed to be appointed. 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